Ladies Night Out
Dinner at Brick Oven Inn in Beaver Falls Contact Lori Humphries if you have any questions.
Dinner at Brick Oven Inn in Beaver Falls Contact Lori Humphries if you have any questions.
meeting in the church gym! Contact Lori Humphries for details!
We are combining our November and December potlucks to have one large Holiday meal as a church family. Ham and Turkey will be provided. Please bring a dish to share! Food and fellowship begins immediately following the Sunday Morning Worship service!
Help us shower Baby Arrigo and his mama-to-be Brittney with Love while enjoying some fellowship and a light meal
Hosted by Carthage United Methodist Church
No regularly scheduled activities at the church this evening. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Help us decorate the church for Christmas! The Advent Season begins on December 1st and we need your help to get our church ready before that! Meet at the church at 9am on November 30th. Donuts and Fruit provided!
It's our turn to host the local VEM Stone Soup Supper. This is a free meal open to the public. Menu this week is Chili.